Jean-Christophe AUDONNET is a veterinarian and holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Bacteriology. He obtained also a Molecular Virology degree from Pasteur Instiute in Paris. After 3 years in USA to develop the poxvirus-based vaccine vector technology, Jean-Christophe Audonnet had multiple R&D functions from 1992 until 2021 at Rhône Mérieux then Merial and lastly at Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health : Discovery Research and External Innovation, Research Strategy and Strategic Alliances (vaccinology, immunology, technical platforms for protein expression), External Innovation and Research Strategy Europe-Asia, to set up collaborative R&D partnerships, build a R&D team and lab in China, and manage the associated R&D projects.
Jean-Christophe Audonnet has been the Coordinator of the European project IMI ZAPI (a 20-partners consortium) from March 2015 until July 2021, that has implemented new manufacturing platforms for vaccines in order to provide efficient control tools against emerging / fast spreading zoonotic infectious diseases.
Now retired from industry, he provides a scientific and technical support to the Lyonbiopole Technical Committee.
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