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Animations & Support

Scientific, technological and clinical animations

Lyonbiopole energizes the health ecosystem in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes through its entertainment program consisting of themed, multi-thematic or cross-cutting events, to promote exchanges and boost collaboration between manufacturers, academic laboratories and hospital services.

Building your innovation project

Are you a member of Lyonbiopôle and wish to lead or contribute to an innovative project and apply for national or European regional public funding? Lyonbiopole accompanies you and advises you at each stage of your approach in order to maximize your chances of success.

Calls for projects

Thanks to Lyonbiopole’s integration into networks of experts, the cluster identifies R&D funding opportunities.

R&D projects directory

This directory brings together all the projects supported by the cluster since 2021 and funded through regional, national and European calls for projects.