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SIRIUS NEOSIGHT, a company specializing in the isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) and the development of functional tests for predicting therapeutic response in oncology, has completed a €4.4 million funding round. The financing round was secured from GO CAPITAL via its GOCA3 seed fund, DEMETER through the FAIM (Fonds d’Amorçage Industriel Métropolitain) Lyon/Saint-Etienne fund, as well as Evolem, Crédit Agricole Création, Octalfa, Angels Santé, Better Angle, and business angels specializing in life sciences. This funding will accelerate the development of its personalized medicine platform, ultimately aiming to provide the most effective targeted treatment for each patient.


The funding round is also supported by a banking pool and grants obtained from Bpifrance. Sirius is proud to count key clinical oncology players among its stakeholders, including the Centre Léon Bérard in Lyon (via Lyon Berard Innovation) and the Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest (ICO via ICO Innov).


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