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Creation : 23 janvier 2023

Employees: 8

Location : Grenoble

Activity (biotech/medtech/healthtech) : Biotech





Who ?


ReACT Therapeutics aims of restoring the efficacy of cancer treatments and improving the quality of care for patients in therapeutic failure.

Clinical data show that more than 90% of the deaths are related to multidrug resistance (MDR) phenomena. MDR makes cancer cells resistant to cancer treatments leading to disease progression and a lower chance of survival. Patients require more aggressive treatments, which can have severe side effects, impacting their quality of life. Among MDR phenomena, we are focusing on anticancer drugs efflux by the overexpression of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters including the Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP).


To beat these MDR phenomena in the cancer therapeutic failure market, we have discovered ValOMé, an ABC transporter inhibitor as a new BCRP drug class. ValOMé is an effective, selective, and non-toxic lead preclinical drug. ValOMé could be combined with 40 known resistant anticancer drugs used to treat 14 cancers. We are currently assessing ValOMé in colon, pancreas and breast cancer to restore treatment efficacy. We hope to reach our first clinical phase within 3 years.






It was important for us to join Lyonbiopole in order to anchor ReACT Therapeutics in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes furrow and to be able to benefit from the support and advice of industrial experts, academics and clinicians from this competitiveness cluster.




Emile Roussel, PhD

CEO – ReACT Therapeutics

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