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Creation : 1714

Employees : 520

Turnover : 66 M€

Adress : Lépine today has 10 commercial subsidiaries in Europe, North Africa, South America and Asia. (France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Benelux, Algeria, Morocco, Colombia, Poland, Japan, Mexico)

The company is also present in more than 40 countries where it works closely with selected distributors to guarantee optimal information for medical teams.

Activity : We are involved from the design, certification, manufacturing to the marketing of our implants (Hip, Knee, End of the hand, Shoulder), as well as our range of bone allografts.



Who ?


The Lépine Group has established itself as a specialist in Orthopedics and one of the leaders in the field of implantable medical devices. It is part of the fight against osteoarthritis by developing prosthetic or biological solutions using a tissue bank.



Why joined Lyonbiopole ?


Discuss innovation and research & development topics. Help implement disruptive technologies.





Valentin PFAIFER
