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Creation : 01/07/1999

Employees : 11 (à partir de septembre 2024)

Turnover : 3 M€

Place : Saint-Genis-Laval (69)

Activity : Biotech – Fournisseurs de technologie pour les entreprises de biotechnologies



Who ?


CyRISBio specializes in automation solutions for life sciences laboratories. CyRISBio is your trusted partner to meet your needs through our expertise in custom robotic platform including hardware and software development, sales of high-end instruments and consumables, as well as technical support for our clients.

CyRISBio stands out for its responsiveness, excellence, and creativity, committing to providing personalized and high-quality services to ensure customer satisfaction.




Pourquoi avoir intégré Lyonbiopôle ?


CyRISBio joins LyonBiopole for several strategic reasons. LyonBiopole is a center of excellence in health innovation in Europe, offering a dynamic ecosystem conducive to collaboration with other companies, research laboratories, and health institutions.

The personalized support and strategic backing of LyonBiopole, including mechanisms to accelerate innovation, international development, and networking events, are valuable assets to strengthen our market position and accelerate our growth.


Joining LyonBiopole also means becoming part of a community passionate about health and well-being issues, sharing a common vision of innovation in the service of life. CyRISBio is enthusiastic and determined to contribute to this collaboration, convinced that it will bring success and innovations for the future.






Thibaut Ollivier

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