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Creation : 2024

Employees : 3

Adress : Dijon – Bron

Activity (biotech/medtech/healthtech) : biotech



Who ?


AbTx (Antibody for Therapy) is a biotechnology company specializing in the development of enzymatic and site-specific bioconjugation technology (Theranostick TM). AbTx – a pure ADC gen player – will provide solutions to the current challenges of antibody-drug conjugates (ADC). Our mission is to pioneer the development and advancement of antibody FDC by using Therano-StickTM platform to transform the landscape of targeted therapies.




Why ?


“For several years, Lyonbiopôle has brought together the players in the fields of biology and health within a single organization. The quality of LyonBioPôle’s assistance and support allows companies of different sizes and backgrounds to find a common interlocutor to advance research and economic development in the AURA region. With LyonBioPôle, AbTx will be able to benefit from the experts and the network of the cluster to find the collaborations of tomorrow and support for its search for public or private funding”







Meddy El Alaoui


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