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Jean-Marc Dinten - Head of Imaging and Acquisition Systems Lab at CEA-LETI Division microTechnologies for Biology and Health

Jean-Marc Dinten is an alumnus of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud, and holds a French Agrégation in Mathematics and a PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Paris-Sud Orsay.


After his thesis on the development of statistical approaches for tomographic reconstruction from a very limited number of projections, he joined CEA in 1990. Until 2008, he contributed and was in charge of several projects for the development of innovative digital radiography systems for mammography, bone densitometry, and luggage control. His main axis of research was the development of dedicated acquisition protocols and processing methods exploiting the possibilities opened by the digital X-ray sensors and direct-conversion spectrometric detectors.


Since 2009, Jean-Marc Dinten is in charge of the Imaging and Acquisition Systems Lab at CEA-LETI. This Lab is dedicated to the development of innovative Optical systems for imaging live at different scales. The Lab combines optical and signal and images processing expertise.  It has two major axes of development:  in vivo optical imaging of the person for diagnosis and monitoring, and in vitro optical imaging for analysis and characterization of samples collected on the person. These works are carried out through several joint laboratories with industrial partners.