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We are pleased to announce the organization of the next International Symposium of the World Society of Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories (ISWAVLD), an event which brings together nearly 500 participants and which will be hosted in its 2023 edition in Lyon city (Congress Center, from June 29 to July 1, 2023), FRANCE.


ISWAVLD is the biennal and essential meeting for all veterinarians, biologists, students and scientists who are involved at different degrees in research and laboratory diagnosis.

5 reasons to register

  1. ISWAVLD 2023 proposes a rich Scientific program, including the latest knowledge around diagnostics, epidemiology and AMR, in animal and environmental health, with a focus on the “One Health” concept.
  2. Meet world-renowned speakers in their field of diagnostics and research.
  3. The WOAH (World Organisation for Animal Health) session in parallel, with a fireside chat dedicated to understanding how public and private actors can work together to address laboratory challenges.
  4. The opportunity to meet manufacturers of diagnostics products, sponsors and partners, as well as Diagnostics for Animals’ federation, holding its annual meeting prior to ISWAVLD.
  5. Enjoy the Lyon’s quality of life, the historical monuments (world UNESCO heritage) and the French internationally well appreciated cuisine !



Lyonbiopole’s members get a discount code when you register !