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Outline of the call

Call type : Collaborative

Project's holder : Academic laboratory, Clinical establishment, Large groups

Opening date : 15 octobre 2021

Date de clôture : 15 février 2022

Dimension : Europe

Funding method : Grant

Appel thématisé : oui

Expected projects

The call for projects “HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01-15: Support for international research on infectious animal diseases” aims to fund projects to support international cooperation in research on infectious animal diseases and related issues such as antimicrobial resistance. The infographic below summarizes the main lines of the call for projects.

LyonbiopOle support

If you wish to be accompanied by the Europe team of the cluster and benefit from assistance in setting up your file, do not hesitate to contact us. The support of the cluster includes the following phases:

  • Discussion meeting with Lyonbiopole’s Europe team to discuss the call for projects (scope and terms), assess the match between your idea and the call’s specifications, and discuss the steps to take to move forward in the maturation of your idea
  • Maturation workshops to help you in the structuring of the project, both at the level of the concept (project engineering) and the consortium (partnership engineering)
  • Presentation and connection with support structures in the region, and presentation of the assembly assistance systems that exist (particularly in the region) to support you in the formalization of your project
  • Critical review of the application file and report meeting with the Lyonbiopôle Europe team
  • On request, drafting of a letter of support written by the Europe team

Your contact at Lyonbiopole

Emilien Voldoire

Head of European Affairs

We support you

Are you a member of Lyonbiopôle and wish to lead or contribute to an innovative project and apply for national or European regional public funding?