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Become a member

To be part of Lyonbiopole, your structure must have R&D, manufacturing or training activities in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in the health sector (biotech, medtech or digital healthtech).

The annual fee varies according to the category of membership and the number of employees in your organisation. The membership fees for the year 2024 (in € excluding VAT) were approved at the General Assembly in June 2023.

  • Companies with fewer than 10 employees 1st year of operation: €0 excl. VAT
    2nd and 3rd years of operation: €500 excl. VAT
    From the 4th year of operation: €950 excl. VAT
  • Companies with 10 to 49 employees €1,700 excl. VAT
  • Entreprises de 50 à 249 salariés 3 275 € HT
  • Companies with 50 to 249 employees €6,415 excl. VAT
  • Companies with more than 2,000 employees €24,750 excl. VAT
  • Local authorities, Lyonbiopole funders €22,000 excl. VAT
  • Centres of expertise National structures: €6,930 excl. VAT
    Local structures: €2,750 excl. VAT
  • Contributing founding members In the college of businesses: €22,000 excl. VAT
    In the college of centres of expertise: €10,000 excl. VAT

Become an associate member

This status is for companies and institutions for which health is an issue, but which do not have health R&D activities in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

It includes, for example, banks, consultancy firms, insurers, law firms, mutual insurance companies, foundations, industrialists, etc. Associate membership is subject to approval by Lyonbiopole’s Board of Directors, which decides on its eligibility.


The annual fees are €15,000 excl. VAT.


By becoming an associate member you gain access to a series of significant benefits:

  • Belonging to a community - Join the innovative health ecosystem of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region
    - Participate in the Lyonbiopole General Assemblies (with no voting rights)
  • Visibility - You automatically become a Silver sponsor of our three major annual events: Microbiota and Health Day, Collaborative Day, Private Inv€stment Day
    - Be visible on our members' web page
    - Highlight your organisation in our corporate presentation
    - You have two publications per year on LinkedIn (+ 16,600 subscribers)
  • Discussion with the ecosystem - Participate in the major annual events (two free invitations)
    - Listen to the market (monitoring, webinars, meetings with the cluster team, identification of players, etc.)
    - Brainstorm with the Lyonbiopole team about the collaboration to create an event or service dedicated to the members and responding to their needs
    - Depending on the needs that the members express or that the Lyonbiopole team identify, participate in an expert meeting or in the creation/moderation of a round table during certain events


Kevin Romani