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Glycan epitope profiling by hyphenation of IR laser spectroscopy and separative methods


Strategic application domain: Biotech - Pharma

Application market: Orthopaedics & Traumatology

Type of activity: CRO - Tools - R&D platform

Technologies: Analytical methods, diagnostic & Pronostic markers


We present a methodological development for glycomics - a field which lags far behind its counterparts genomics and proteims in terms of available analytical tools. The proposed method will focus on profiling glycans epitopes (acetylated sialic acid and sulfatated extremities) which is currently beyond the state of the art of analytical chemistry and impairs the comprehensive characterisation of glycosylation profiles of proteins. 


The original concept underlying the proposition is the use of IR ion spectroscopy coupled with three dimension of separation (LC, IMS and MS) to resolve all existing isomeric patterns present in a heterogeneous mixture. The project brings together an interdisciplinaryconsortium of acknowledged experts in the fields of glycomics, ion spectroscopy, glycan synthesis and immunology. To demonstrate the future impact of the method for glycosciences, we propose a case study: the early diagnostic of rheumatoid arthritis. 


Project call


ANR Générique





national project

On going

Duration: 48 months


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