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Les grandes lignes de l'appel

Type d'appel : Collaboratif & Individuel

Porteur de projet : Tous types

Date d'ouverture : 7 novembre 2023

Date de clôture : 15 décembre 2023

Dimension : International

Appel thématisé : oui (Digital, data sciences and artificial intelligence / Drug optimization and biologics discovery research / Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics / Processes in Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control Real World Evidence development / Precision Medicine in oncology, immunology-inflammation, rare and neurodegenerative diseases / Cell and Gene Therapy / Vaccines )

Secteurs industriels : Tous

Montant de l'aide : 120 K€

What is it?

A booster to transform breakthrough technologies and processes developed by best-in-class academic partners and start-ups into innovative solutions to accelerate our R&D portfolio.

In 2022, the initiatives iDEA Awards (North America) and iTECH Awards (Europe) came together under the same umbrella: the Sanofi iDEA-iTECH Awards.


Sanofi iDEA-iTECH Awards is a one-year program consisting of:
> A seed funding of 120 000 euros. 
> A dedicated support of a Sanofi scientific expert.
> A steppingstone to further collaboration.

Who are we looking for?


European start-ups/biotechs and academics from our selected partner institutions developing cutting-edge technologies in the following areas:


> Digital, data sciences and artificial intelligence
> Drug optimization and biologics discovery research 
> Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics 
> Processes in Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control
> Real World Evidence development
> Precision Medicine in oncology, immunology-inflammation, rare and neurodegenerative diseases
> Cell and Gene Therapy
> Vaccines

> Preclinical Safety


A fast process to select and start projects in less than 8 months:

Call for Pre-Proposals – November 7th 2023
Deadline for Pre-Proposals submission – December 15th 2023
Call for detailed proposals – January 31st 2024
Deadline for Detailed Proposals submission – March 13th 2024
JSSC meets to review Detailed Proposals – May 16th 2024
Awardees annoncement – May 30th 2024
Start of projects – October 2024


To know more

Submission instructions

Pre-proposal template



Votre contact à Lyonbiopôle

Simon Gudin

Chargé d'Affaires PME Biotech & Resp. international

Nous vous accompagnons

Vous êtes membre de Lyonbiopôle et souhaitez porter ou contribuer à un projet innovant et candidater à des financements publics régionaux nationaux ou européens ?