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Member of Lyonbiopole


VOXCAN is a preclinical CRO with 15 years of experience in performing efficacy and biodistribution studies in three areas: Oncology, Infectious and Osteoarticular diseases.

With 400m² of BSL-2 and BSL-3 facilities, we provide a large variety of characterized tumor, bacterial and viral models (including SARS-CoV-2) to test new compounds and cell therapies, in addition of testing medical devices performance and degradation (dermal fillers, osteoarticular implants).

Our core expertise in high-resolution imaging (bioluminescence, fluorescence, CT, micro-CT) enables to follow compound efficacy and biodistribution in a longitudinal manner, thereby increasing measurement accuracy, saving time and costs. By providing high-technology readouts, our ultimate goal is to help Pharma, Biotech and Medical Device companies accelerate the time-to-market of their candidate therapies.


Strategic application domain: Human Medicine

Application market: Immune, AutoIm & Inflam. diseases, Infectious Diseases, Oncology

Type of activity: CRO - Tools - R&D platform

Technologies: Animal model & In vivo testing, Imaging, Molecular Biology & Nucleic acid

Created on april 13th, 2007 - 25 employees



1305 route de Lozanne 69380 Dommartin



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