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Member of Lyonbiopole


VirexpR is specialized in microbiology and virology applied to indoor air quality. VirexpR offers technology, advice and expertise dedicated to the control of airborne contamination in confined environments, based on a continuum of i) in situ diagnostics, ii) experiments in BSL3 facility, iii) modeling and simulation of air flows and contamination, with the aim of providing specific support for the optimal deployment of countermeasures adapted to targeted environments, such as establishment open to the public (transport, nursery, care home, hospital, etc.) and cleanrooms (pharmaceutical industry, operating room, etc.).


Application market: Others

Type of activity: Therapeutics, Pharma or Biotech

Technologies: Screening methods or services

Created on jan. 11th, 2022 - 5 employees



321 avenue Jean Jaurès
Chez Lyonbiopôle, bâtiment Domilyon 69007 Lyon



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