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Member of Lyonbiopole


Med In Town has developed a 3D printing MicroFactory concept for Medical Devices.

Our first available solution is dedicated to patient specific instruments (PSI) and disposable polymer instruments for surgery.

The MicroFactory is duplicable and mobile, which allows us to produce in different places under the same validated conditions in 5 days with a single 3D file!

We ship directly to hospitals on behalf of the legal manufacturers (CE marked or FDA approved) with whom we work.


Application market: Dentistry & Odontology, Oncology, Orthopaedics & Traumatology

Type of activity: CMO - Production - Bioproduction, Medical device, Technology provider

Technologies: 3D printing, Surgical & Medical instruments

Created on jan. 6th, 2020 - 2 employees



14 RUE du textile 42400 SAINT-CHAMOND



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