Member of Lyonbiopole
Inserm Transfert is the private subsidiary of Inserm, specialized in life sciences technology transfer and collaborative research projects funding.
The company supports Inserm research units and researchers in the process undertaken to create value from their work. Its actions are part of the translational continuum, from basic and technological research to clinical development, with the aim of creating economic and societal value.
Application market: Infectious Diseases, Neurology & Mental Health Disorders, Oncology
Type of activity: Diagnostics, E-Health, Therapeutics, Pharma or Biotech
Technologies: Analytical methods, diagnostic & Pronostic markers, Antibodies - Protein - Peptide, Cell Therapy - Stem cells - Cell Biology - Biobanking
Created on dec. 1st, 2000 - 110 employees
Centre hospitalier spécialisé Le Vinatier
Délégation régionale Inserm Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
95 boulevard Pinel 69500 Bron
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