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Brenus Pharma is a pioneering french biotech startup reshaping the landscape of oncology with our innovative platform, generating cutting-edge cancer vaccines. Our Stimulated Tumor Cells (STC) technology platform empowers the immune system to anticipate tumor cell plasticity and target relapse mechanisms, offering a game-changing approach to preventing cancer recurrence. We break through current limitations by efficiently treating solid tumors, ensuring cost and supply control. Our lead candidate, STC-1010, is focused on colorectal cancer, addressing a significant unmet medical need. Join us in revolutionizing solid tumor treatment with our groundbreaking technology.


Strategic application domain: Human Medicine

Application market: Immune, AutoIm & Inflam. diseases, Oncology

Type of activity: Therapeutics, Pharma or Biotech

Technologies: Cell Therapy - Stem cells - Cell Biology - Biobanking, Immunotherapy

Created on may 12th, 2014 - 11 employees



4 rue Eric de Cromière 63000 Clermont-Ferrand



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