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We are thrilled to announce the opening of BigBooster season 7!
Our partner, BigBooster Foundation, organizes a new season of its international acceleration program.
Whether you are an early stage startup looking to boost your global mindset or a startup ready to explore a new market and seeking local qualified connections, apply!
Entrepreneurs of the world, the program is free of participation charge.
If you want to support those young companies, become a mentor, a judge or an expert and share your expertise whilst making new connections with C-level international professionals.


Call for applications :

  • Startups ➡ closes on 30 June
  • Juges ➡ closes on 23 June, for online selection before the boostercamp, & 20 September, for face-to-face selection at the end of the boostercamp
  • Mentors boostercamp, presential, et goglobal, virtual ➡ closes on 20 September

Booster Camp ➡ from 7 to 9 November 2023 at the Campus Région du Numérique

Go Global Program ➡ 6 months from November 2023/January 2024


Get more information and apply here